Chronic Planner
Does this photo seem excessive to you?... can't relate.
I could tell you exactly why every piece of stationery in this photo is important and irreplaceable by a simple reminder on my phone.
I like to think I am a super gen z, technologically sound girlie but when it comes to planning things and keeping myself on track I HAVE to have it written on paper. Now let me get into everything I do as a slightly OCD. Defiantly organized. Chronic planner. So, step one for me is always my weekly to-dos. Things I know I have to do every week on a certain day. For example, Tuesdays are for recording my pod, Sundays are for posting my blog (shoutout). So I start by writing that into a monthly calendar (planner number one), then I go into my school work for the month, color coded by class obviously... Then I add in any events or special things throughout the month. Then finally, I write exactly the same thing on a weekly desk calendar so I can see exactly what I need day by day.
When we get into my content planning, that is a whole other story. I make a monthly calendar on canvas for my content across all platforms since it can change so quickly. With that being said I do also have a content planner notebook dedicated to all my ideas for pod episodes, blog posts, tiktoks, etc. But again since those things can switch so quickly I don't spend the time to make it all cutesy and polished. But I do need to have some form of motivation to keep up with my socials because it is an outlet that makes me feel fulfilled and having a list of things I need to do an topics planned and ready, I will be more likely to do them and it will keep me creatively fulfilled. So, in the grand scheme of things. I like to feel prepared for anything, have plans at all times, and the brightest most obnoxious stationery I can find. (could make a whole blog post on my fav stationery)
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